Welcome back to another episode of the Geekspin podcast! This episode features comedic musician Insane Ian. Your host, the CoreyGeek, talks to him about his music, his upcoming album Illinoise, Weird Al, being a superfan of The Presidents of the United States of America and much more!
This episode features the following Songs:
Delivery Boy off of the upcoming Illinoise
And the singles:
Dungeon Castlevania and Corey Can’t Even
Find Ian on Bandcamp
Insane Ian’s website
Insane Ian on Patreon
All music © Insane Ian™ 2021
All music appears with the permission of the creator
Welcome to the first episode of the Geekspin Podcast! In this episode the CoreyGeek interviews Jen and Eric Distad of the Faithful Sidekicks and...
In the first Bonus Episode the CoreyGeek talks with Eric Distad about February Album Writing Month or FAWM. I apologize for not sharing links...
On this episode I interview nerd rock musician Chris Waffle about his Nerd rock band Megathruster and his upcoming Nerdcore project The Chris Waffle...